Memories of Green Springs / by Carolyn Wright

The gazebo at Green Springs this week

On Monday, I dropped my painting off at Green Spring Gardens for the upcoming Potomac Valley Watercolorists show, and stayed to help with the process of receiving. It was one of those instances of either highly organized chaos, or slightly chaotic organization.  Which is to say that those in charge had things well organized but after all, they were working with some of the least-organizable creatures on earth, artists.  

Afterwards, as I headed toward my car, the blazing colors of the garden’s blooms took my breath away.  I thought “I have never seen Green Springs look this lovely!”  Which then brought back so many memories of the years that I have visited, exhibited, known and loved Green Springs.

The artist and her two little girls in 2001

In 2001, I entered this show for the first time, a brand-new member of PVW; the whole family came to the reception, with my two little girls in matching dresses, and the neighbor children came too.  They romped all over the park together, discovering the walk through the woods, with the bridge over the stream where you can play Poohsticks, and the pond with turtles, and ducks to feed.

Each year, I marvel at the artistry and beauty of the paintings in the show, works that capture and sometimes rival the beauty of the gardens that surround them.

As the years of exhibiting there have continued, another little girl joined our family and came to know the path through the woods and the Poohsticks game.

I’ve painted outside, along that path; I’ve painted the stream, and the pond.

Quintet the prize winning painting

Then, two years ago, one of my entries in the show won the award for Best in Show--and the painting sold! That is one of my favorite memories.

So this Sunday, as I return for another reception, I’ll enjoy the camaraderie of my fellow PVW’ers, marvel at the loveliness I see in the art hanging on the walls and in the gardens themselves, and make a few more memories.  Maybe this will be the first year I buy and bring home a plant for my own garden.