Practicing Free Throws / by Carolyn Wright

A few months ago, I listened to a radio interview with an amazing athlete, Tina Charles, currently the center on the New York Liberty WNBA team.  Though I am quite tall, I was never any good at basketball. Turns out, neither was she—for a while. Here are some quotes:

I feel like nothing came easy for me. I was going to the parks in New York. I was the last one picked. [last one picked—yup, I can relate!]

I had to hone in on my skill. I had to be in the gym early before class. 

So, what did it come down to for her?  How did she get from “last one picked” to being a star? She had to practice.  I expect that she spent a lot of time dribbling, jumping, shooting from the free throw line over and over.  And gradually, she got better, and now she’s not only professional, she’s won two Olympic gold medals.  

So that’s basketball, what does that have to do with art?


This week, I’ve been focusing quick painting sketches, putting the paint directly on the paper with no drawing ahead of time, simply trying to get shapes, shadows, practicing the act of painting.  

So, I’m limiting my time--10 minutes max per painting--limiting my color palette--three colors plus white--limiting the size--they are all small.  And, unlike my usual work, there is a human figure in most of the sketches. It’s been really challenging--and a lot of fun! Here are some of them.

I’m calling them my “free throw” paintings, in honor of all the basketball athletes that have practiced their free throws over and over to get better, closer to perfection.

Eventually, Joyce got a little tired of the hat…

Eventually, Joyce got a little tired of the hat…

This red chair featured in all the sketches, whether there was a person sitting in it or not!

This red chair featured in all the sketches, whether there was a person sitting in it or not!

No, this is not Tina Charles, this is Joyce McCarten, modeling for us.

No, this is not Tina Charles, this is Joyce McCarten, modeling for us.

And here is one of my sketches of Joyce in that pose.

And here is one of my sketches of Joyce in that pose.