Introducing the Silver Linings Sketchbook / by Carolyn Wright

Seems appropriate as we head into this new year to take some stock of the unforgettable year just ended. In the midst of all the loss and challenges of 2020, I want to intentionally testify to the good parts, the things that would not have happened if the world had not been upended by a novel coronavirus.

Thus, the Silver Linings Sketchbook.

In this instance, the sketches are written musings. So far, I’ve got twelve -- no, I just recounted -- fourteen items about which to write. As I go on, more may come to mind. Each of them will have some visual illustration.

Look for a new posting every few days.

I just think it’s important to acknowledge the good, the redemptive, in this time.

“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

This abstract, “Tangled Up in Blue”, expresses the idea of the Silver Linings Sketchbook well—see the luminous light up at the top spilling over the black?  It’s a complex painting…it’s been a complex time.

This abstract, “Tangled Up in Blue”, expresses the idea of the Silver Linings Sketchbook well—see the luminous light up at the top spilling over the black? It’s a complex painting…it’s been a complex time.